From the ancient Sanskrit language, the term “Bashpa Swedana” originated. 

This word is the combination of two words having the meaning “Bashpa” means steam & “Swedana” means sweating or perspiration. In Ayurveda, it stands out as a technique that promotes overall well-being. 

This traditional Ayurvedic therapy utilises herbal steam to promote sweating and aid in detoxification. With the use of medicinal herbs infused with steam, this treatment helps to open pores allowing the skin to breathe and relax. 


Bashpa Swedana requires sitting within a wooden enclosure, typically like a box. The box inside has a controlled environment with the healing properties of herbal-infused steam. In this technique, only the body sits inside the box while your head sits cool. 

The patient’s body gets covered in the soothing steam, enabling the healing qualities of the herbs to deeply penetrate the skin and joints. This promotes a sense of relaxation, aids in detoxification, and provides relief from a range of ailments.


Bashpa Swedana not only helps to detoxify the body but also offers several benefits. As the steam heats the body it helps in blood circulation and supplies oxygen to several tissues. 

This not only rejuvenates the body but also aids the lymphatic system in eliminating toxins. Moreover, the perspiration caused by the steam helps in removing impurities from the skin, resulting in a radiant and renewed appearance.

If you’re looking for a way to unwind and recharge, Bashpa Swedana provides a peaceful getaway. 

The soothing warmth and delightful aroma of the herbs create a sense of calmness in the mind, helping to alleviate anxiety and enhance mental clarity. 

If you’re seeking to cleanse your body, ease muscle strain, or just relax, Bashpa Swedana provides a holistic approach to well-being. 

Discover the incredible benefits of herbal steam therapy and immerse yourself in its revitalising effects with My Holistic Health!